A multimillion dollar Scam.
Prison overload of non-violent crimes
Prison overload of inmates convicted of 1st degree murder that live forever at the expense of tax payers for the corruption $$ of the prison system.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Culpable Negligence Murder
I will spend the rest of my life fighting for Justice for my daughter, Officer Donna J Fitzgerald and her son, Kyle Antonelli. Donna's murder was so preventable. The corrupt PIECP, Pride prison work program and Florida DOC are responsible for Donna's murder. Their "profit for pride" was worth more then an officers life and for her son. I will be my daughters voice and reveal just how her friends, family, attorney, media and a very corrupt foundation CPOF seek publicity and profits from the murder of a dedicated officer that had finished her shift, was asked to cover a shift for a private prison work program,PRIDE,the facts are there, the truth is there, I will find Justice for my daughter and her son Kyle.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The "Victims of the Culpable Negligence murder of Officer Donna J Fitzgerald on June 25, 2008.
The violent, preventable murder of Officer Donna J Fitzgerald not only ended Donna's life for the corrupt profits for Florida DOC, PIECP PRIDE Prison work porgram, it took away the life of her mother and her son. Donna's son, Kyle has suffered his lost of life by the preventable murder of his mother, by friends, siblings a foundation, attorneys, media for their greed! Kyles home, belongings,
memories were taken from him by greedy people, family.
His home was sold, every trace of his mother was tossed to the dump. His mother buried in a swamp area beside a highway, no money would be spent for proper burial of Donna. Kyle was left homeless and at the mercy of an estranged Uncle. Kyle was left alone, homeless,forgotten by his uncle, executor of Donna's Estate. During the murder trial of Donna, Kyle was left alone, he fell into trouble. Kyle begged for help to go to rehab,denied by Attorney Bailey and his estranged uncle, no money for that! Life was unbearable for Kyle, uncle and attorney
watched the downfall of Kyle, all relieved to have him out of their way! I will find justice for Donna and Kyle! Kyle is a prisoner of greed!
memories were taken from him by greedy people, family.
His home was sold, every trace of his mother was tossed to the dump. His mother buried in a swamp area beside a highway, no money would be spent for proper burial of Donna. Kyle was left homeless and at the mercy of an estranged Uncle. Kyle was left alone, homeless,forgotten by his uncle, executor of Donna's Estate. During the murder trial of Donna, Kyle was left alone, he fell into trouble. Kyle begged for help to go to rehab,denied by Attorney Bailey and his estranged uncle, no money for that! Life was unbearable for Kyle, uncle and attorney
watched the downfall of Kyle, all relieved to have him out of their way! I will find justice for Donna and Kyle! Kyle is a prisoner of greed!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Officer Donna J Fitzgerald son Kyle to be released.
Officer Donna J Fitzgerald's son Kyle will soon be released from a two year prison sentence constructed by Attorney Robert Bailey, Donna's sibling, Donald Shure and CPOF. Kyle begged for rehabilitation during his mother's murder trial, denied by Atty Bailey, CPOF and Donna's brother, all of whom had no right to make this crucial decision, except for their publicity and profit! They have stolen Kyles life for their profit. I continue to fight for justice for my daughter and her son!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Officer Donna Fitzgerald: "Unbelievable"
Officer Donna Fitzgerald: "Unbelievable": "moments before the verdict announcement... Did Biaz know?"
Monday, July 4, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Officer Donna J Fitzgerald-"Supreme Sacrifice " Medal of Honor
Correctional Officer Donna J Fitzgerald EOW June 25, 2008 Tomoka C.I. Daytona Beach, Florida.
Officer Fitzgerald was Honored by the National Law Enforcement Federation of Police in Washington D.C. on May 17th for her "Supreme Sacrifice". Donna's mother, Joanne Dunn and Donna's son Kyle Antonelli both received the "Supreme Sacrifice Medal of Honor" for Donna. Officer Fitzgeald's name was dedicated and inscribed on the Washington D.C. "Wall of Heroes". The East Wall, Panel 25, Line 27.
Officer Fitzgerald was Honored by the National Law Enforcement Federation of Police in Washington D.C. on May 17th for her "Supreme Sacrifice". Donna's mother, Joanne Dunn and Donna's son Kyle Antonelli both received the "Supreme Sacrifice Medal of Honor" for Donna. Officer Fitzgeald's name was dedicated and inscribed on the Washington D.C. "Wall of Heroes". The East Wall, Panel 25, Line 27.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Officer Donna J Fitzgerald-Justice
My mission includes the corruption, for their own benefit, of Donna's murder by friends, family and a foundation.
Officer Donna J Fitzgerald-June 25, 2011- Third Death Anniversary
It will be three years on June 25th that my daughter was brutally murdered by an unqualified, dangerous inmate enrolled in the PIECP- PRIDE prison work program at Tomoka C.I. Daytona Beach Florida. The PRIDE Program and the Tomoka C.I. are responsible through their "culpable neligence" and greed for profit in a "scam work program." My daughter was a victim of their corruption.
"Justice must Prevail". It is my mission for my daughter to have Pride and Tomoka held responsible for her brutal, senseless murder for their profit.
"Justice must Prevail". It is my mission for my daughter to have Pride and Tomoka held responsible for her brutal, senseless murder for their profit.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The preventable murder of Officer Donna J Fitzgerald
The corruption of the culpable negligence murder of Officer Donna J Fizgerald continued with friends, family and a foundation. Officer Donna J Fitzgerald's estate was wrongfuly stolen by best friends, her body was wrongfully cremated by an unlawful claim to her estate by friends. Donna's estate was recaptured by her estranged brother whom buried her remains in a mud hole next to a highway, and much more. A corrupt foundation wrongfuly claimed that they were responsible for Donna being Honored by the NLEOM. I continue my mission for my daughter.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Corruption/Profits of a Peventable Culpable Negligence Murder of Officer Donna J Fitzgerald EOW June 25, 2008
I have dedicated this page to my daughter, Officer Donna J Fitzgerald. The corruption started with the culpable negligence of the PRIDE Prison Work Program (PIECP) Tomoka C.I. June 25, 2008 that cost my daughter her life. Pride has no remorse. The high profile case coruption continues with greed, profit and publcity by friends, family, attorneys, media and foundations. I will share my experience as the mother of a victim of culpable negligence in the prison system and reveal the way a victim cotinues to be used for profit and greed.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Honored Donna.
Kyle, Donna's son would have received his medal for his mother with me. Kyle and I would have placed the flower in the wreath together. I so wished for Kyle to be there beside me. Kyle's aunt and uncle have the medal for Kyle. Because of decisions made by CPOF, Kyles uncle and aunt, Kyle was unable to attend. They said that prison was a cheaper choice then rehab. Kyle will not be CPOF, aunt and uncle free until he is thirty years old. Kyle is also not allowed to talk to me. Kyle is a prisoner of the executor of his estate.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Honoring Officer Donna J. Fitzgerald
I want to thank James Baiardi, President of the Florida State Correctional Officers Police Benevolant Association for being my escort for the National Law Enforcement Officers Candle Light Vigil and the Memorial Honoring my daughter, Officer Donna J. Fitzgerald EOW, killed in the line of duty, June 25, 2008, Tomoka C.I.. I wanted to share Donna's Honor with "her own". Mr. Baiardi made my wish possible. Donna is proud! Thank you Mr. Baiardi!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
NLEOM/Char/CPOF denied to sit with family.
Char/CPOF arrives with my son and daughter to sit with them during the ceremony. They were refused and seated in the far back extended area. Char/CPOF was kept away from the Ceremony to Honor Donna. Justice Prevailed! Thank you to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Board, staff and volunteers.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Officer Donna J. Fitzgerald/National Police Week
Donna will be honored by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial during National Police Week in Washington DC, May 13th-17th 2011. The Candle Light Vigil
can be viewed on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial web site. Anyone wishing to watch the Candle Light Vigil can do so by going to the nleomf.org web site and register.
can be viewed on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial web site. Anyone wishing to watch the Candle Light Vigil can do so by going to the nleomf.org web site and register.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Officer Donna J Fitzgerald/James Baiardi Florida PBA
Donna J. Fitzgerald EOW, June 25, 2008 , Pride work program, Tomoka CI will be honored by the NLEOMF for her Ultimate Sacrifice in Washington DC during police week. Donna was my princess, Donna was one of Florida's PBA officers. I have requested that James Baiardi, Florida PBA to be my escort, sharing this honor for Officer Donna J. Fitzgerald.
Courage: "The time is always right to do whats right"...MLK.
Courage: "The time is always right to do whats right"...MLK.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Officer Donna J. Fitzgerald Honored by National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund in Washington DC
I have secured and protected Donna's Honor from a corrupt foundation that has been capitalizing on her death since her last breath.
I so wish that I could have Donna's son, my grandson by my side when Donna is Honored. I love you Kyle, Te Amo, Mimi oxoxox
I so wish that I could have Donna's son, my grandson by my side when Donna is Honored. I love you Kyle, Te Amo, Mimi oxoxox
Monday, April 4, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Officer Donna Fitzgerald Legacy Book posts by sister are false
Donna's sister recently made false posts on Donna's Legacy Books.
Donna is not being honored because of the long, tireless hours of the CPOF dedication.
Donna is being honored because she paid "The Ultimate Sacrifice" due to the culpable neligence of Tomoka and Pride.
Donna always qualified to be honored, it was because of her brothers Civil Suit that this honored was delayed.
The NLEOMF decided not to delay honoring Donna any longer.
The NLEOMF confirms what I say is true.
The CPOF had no part with Donna being honored.
It is disgraceful that a foundation would falsely try to claim that it was because of them that a murdered, fallen officer is being honored.
Donna is not being honored because of the long, tireless hours of the CPOF dedication.
Donna is being honored because she paid "The Ultimate Sacrifice" due to the culpable neligence of Tomoka and Pride.
Donna always qualified to be honored, it was because of her brothers Civil Suit that this honored was delayed.
The NLEOMF decided not to delay honoring Donna any longer.
The NLEOMF confirms what I say is true.
The CPOF had no part with Donna being honored.
It is disgraceful that a foundation would falsely try to claim that it was because of them that a murdered, fallen officer is being honored.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
My request for Char CPOF CEO Proof/Officer Donna Fitzgerald Honor
I have not received a reply from Char.......because there is no proof or truth to her claim to be responsible for Officer Donna Fitzgerald being Honored by the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund in May. Officer Donna Fitzgerald is being honored for her "Ultimate Sacrifice!"
What CPOF did do, is try to take the honor from a fallen officer so they could
claim the honor and capitalize on a fallen officers murder. Disgraceful!
What CPOF did do, is try to take the honor from a fallen officer so they could
claim the honor and capitalize on a fallen officers murder. Disgraceful!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
CPOF Possible Litigation for Officer Donna Fitzgeralds Mother
I have received notice of a possible litigation by the CPOF for actually "telling the truth." Everything that I have stated is the TRUTH.
Charleen Corby, CEO of the CPOF has caused me emotional stress from her desire to capitalize on my daughter, Officer Donna Fitzgeralds Death.
When the NLEOMF notified me that my daughter, Officer Donna Fitzgerald would be Honored this May in Washington, Charleen Corby falsely stated that Donna was being Honored because of her long, tireless hours of convincing
NLEOMF that Donna should be honored, indeed a bold lie so she could capitalize again from my daughters death. The NLEOMF responded that the CPOF had NO part with Donna being honored. Every detail of Officer Fitzgeralds murder qualified her to be honored. Donna gave her life, it is disgraceful that CHAR, CPOF CEO wanted to take the HONOR from Officer Fitzgeralds HONOR! I will always protect Donna.
Charleen Corby, CEO of the CPOF has caused me emotional stress from her desire to capitalize on my daughter, Officer Donna Fitzgeralds Death.
When the NLEOMF notified me that my daughter, Officer Donna Fitzgerald would be Honored this May in Washington, Charleen Corby falsely stated that Donna was being Honored because of her long, tireless hours of convincing
NLEOMF that Donna should be honored, indeed a bold lie so she could capitalize again from my daughters death. The NLEOMF responded that the CPOF had NO part with Donna being honored. Every detail of Officer Fitzgeralds murder qualified her to be honored. Donna gave her life, it is disgraceful that CHAR, CPOF CEO wanted to take the HONOR from Officer Fitzgeralds HONOR! I will always protect Donna.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
CPOF Foundation
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those that do evil, but because of those that look on and do nothing." Albert Einstein
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Officer Donna Fitzgeralds EOW Home Town Memorial
Would you want this for your murdered child? CPOF CEO, Char Corby attends Officer Donna Fitzgeralds Home Town Memorial, late, intoxicated, dripping with diamonds, wearing the "Party Till You Drop" shirt and an obsession for Donna's brother. The CPOF is now claiming to have worked long, tireless hours to have Donna honored in May. Indeed there is absolutely
no truth to their claim. Officer Fitzgerald qualified to be honored when she took her last breath from being brutally murdered due to the culpable negligence of Tomoka and Pride. The CPOF wants the "limelight". I will make sure they receive it!
no truth to their claim. Officer Fitzgerald qualified to be honored when she took her last breath from being brutally murdered due to the culpable negligence of Tomoka and Pride. The CPOF wants the "limelight". I will make sure they receive it!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
National Police Week
Officer Donna Fitzgerald will be Honored by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial during National Police Week, May13th-May17th, 2011.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Officer Donna Fitzgerald: Officer Donna Fitzgerald Honored.
Officer Donna Fitzgerald: Officer Donna Fitzgerald Honored.: "The CPOF wants the honor of being responsible for Officer Donna Fitzgerald being honored for her 'ultimate sacrifice' in Washington DC in Ma..."
Officer Donna Fitzgerald Honored.
The CPOF wants the honor of being responsible for Officer Donna Fitzgerald being honored for her "ultimate sacrifice" in Washington DC in May 2011. This is such a disgrace to Officer Fitzgerald and her mother and fellow officers and Florida Police Foundations .Officer Fitzgerald is being honored because she gave her life in the line of duty. The CPOF and her siblings are seeking the "limelight" and the publicity for this honor. How Disgusting! The CPOF had nothing to do with this honor, this honor belongs to Officer Donna Fitzgerald..NO ONE ELSE!
Monday, February 21, 2011
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